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Monday, December 15, 2008
yay! finally have a chance to update. been super busy since 8th of december. oh well.

1. first, let me introduce you to my 2 newest love interests : lego, and solitaire.

in the first picture you see how my retardedness has caused me to decide to try and build a 4-story house.
in the second picture you see why i love solitaire so much.

2. watched the mummy and american gangster with william and annie. they are both good movies so you should watch them when you get the chance. but i'm warning you that american gangster is a 3-hour long movie, and your butt may get cramped up.

3. went to the zoo with henry and my brother. it rained the whole time we were there, so we weren't able to watch any shows. then when we finally had enough of holding umbrellas (mine was a mickey mouse one ;D) and walked out off the zoo to go home, the sun decided to come out.

4. class deployment! i love you oneohseven class i/cs. even though i don't actuall know you guys that well yet. shall acknowledge you wonderful people. jieru, stephsiow, tingfang, kailing, anqi! yayayayayayayayay!

5. jack's place busking prac. pris and grace and ariel came over to prac, but we ended up slacking ;D we practised quite a lot though, so i guess it was okay to slack after that. pris tried to learn the guitar. let's just say she had a very interesting experience facing the guitar, rather than holding it.

6. reporting day! going to happen this friday. sigh. need to dig out my stocking and court shoes again. selene is SUPER excited about wearing the formal uniform. im just wondering how i'm going to keep myself from getting strangled by the tight collar.

7. twilight the movie! shall i remind someone that you're supposed to treat me? xD

8. TAIWAN! yay. flying off on 24th midnight, which is sad since it's christmas eve, and i won't be spending christmas at home. but i least i get my presents early ;D

9. class allocation! 30303030303030303030303030303030303030303! i'm excited. there'll be 3 vietnamese scholars. so COOL!

10. nothing really i just wanted to have ten so it looks nice ;D

okay i guess that'll be all until after christmas. so merry christmas in advance!

tag replies

enying no money la. i already went broke buying this guitar. and besides, i still need to buy presents.
shar yep i know they're super cute. like me right ;D
shinhuoy with 200 bucks the guitar is yours. and do you normally change your bedsheet every week?
gracek hey cool. okay we shall take photos next time ;D
andre who's your cousin and what did you tell him about me? *glares* and just for the record i'm not free on the 21st.
11:07 PM
Sunday, November 30, 2008
okayokayokay. i'm updating now, happy?busy la. so much work to do everyday, so little time to play. i haven't exercised AT ALL in the past 2 months. sigh. and i'm stuffing myself with chocs since there's nothing else to stuff myself with. oh well. fat carly.did this weird thing with my dictionary just for fun. the translation is so retarded.
my sister in a dress! isn't she adorable? i know she's kind of chubby. but all kids are chubby ;D
my new yamaha guitar! trying to self learn but it's hard ;( hurts my fingers like shit. and i'm really not going to bother flipping all my pictures the correct way so deal with it ;Di've also decided to take up cooking at home. i started with all types of egg-making and then moved on to breakfasts. which is this crepe, and this pancake. can you tell which is which? they don't exactly look like crepes and pancakes, but that's not the point. the point is the sauce on top is CHOCOLATE. yums.

anyways. 1 december. wow. time really passes fast. i've barely done anything. so many things are happening in december. busy sia. pre-orientation training, choir pracs, piano, homework, french, reporting day, ccao. bleah. hope i survive and make the best of my last month as a sec 2 student. go all sec 2s!

oh and merry christmas 25 days in advance since i might not be able to use the com to blog anymore. i'll try ;D

tag replies

rachel jingwen shuen emily shar i love you guys too!

shuen i saw the dedication ah i love you most! BUT THE SEXY PART WAS REALLY UNNEEDED.

dyon i know my brother's adorable. i know i'm adorable too. (not even trying to be modest)

everyone who's calling me a polar bear im NOT.


andre okay hope you feel better now.

qiqi okay stay happy. ;D

michwang haha thankyous;D

wengchen do you like it??? ;D IM BORED TOO. but my kind is the busy kind of bored. sighs.
7:08 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
yeah i know, i haven't blogged in a long time. this post is for qiqi, who hinted that she srongly disliked people who did't update their blogs, so she has to see the same post over and over again. so here's something new.

primary school class gathering ;D there were much fewer people this year, compared to last year, but this year's was definitely more interesting and more successful. last year we booked the multi-function hall, and the girls decided to stay in the corner, while the guys stayed in another corner. HORRIBLE.
this year we played board games together, told sick jokes and suanned zhongzhen xD we came up with a very funny story of zhongzhen's life based on a scene sheryl came across in j8. quite sick too. anyways he kept trying to deny it (since it wasn't true after all), but when we gave him a chance to explain himself, all he said was "i go gym". then he trudged off to the gym. and we added "i go gym" into the story and made it even more interesting. ;D
picture of me and my friends, photoshopped by enying. gr. anyways i don't mind, as long as i look tall ;D

5:25 PM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
yay! my first post after so long. exams mah. post-exam activities mah. busy mah.
sigh. exam results. don't ask.

anyways, today was rgs PEER SUPPORT SHARING! ;D super fun. 18 school participated. the games the ot came up with were damn wacky and unexpected lol. haha, got to know alot of people.
the school counseller gave us a talk on basic counselling and other leadership qualities a peer support leader should have. then trybe came and gave us another talk. nic and jovita came again! let's just say that selene was REALLY well remembered by them because of her "incidents" when they last came ;D ANYWAYS it was a really really interesting talk. trybe just rocks la. ;D
got to know a lot of new people through this pss. by the way, st. pat's guys are super amusing. oh yeah, cedar and victoria school also told us about their peer sopport board structure and activities too. learnt quite a lot from them ;D vs's powerpoint were super cool and everyone was like "WAH!" everytime they clicked to go onto the next slide/portion of slide.

anyways it was a really fulfilling experience, and now i'm really looking forward to icyl in nov and psc next year! and i guess rgspsb left quite an impression on the other schools today as well. that's good. <3 PSB!!!!!!!!

okay i'll end here now.

p.s. to all those weird rgschoir people out there, I AM NOT A STUPID POLAR BEAR! i am in fact a very smart one since i "killed" most of you and no one expected me. ;D
4:47 AM
week 1
Saturday, September 13, 2008
it's already term 4 week one, sunday. why do feel as if i haven't gotten anything done within this week? sigh.....oh well.
speech day yesterday. had to sit through 5 hours of speeches, prize-giving, and performances, and i only sang 2 songs. one of those which just happened to be the school song. oh well. but on the other hand, learnt a lot about pris and stef during rehearsals. *coughs* went for sl after that. quite fun la;)
i'm worried about OBS. i seem worried about a lot of things nowadays. like what if i don't have this, what am i supposed to do, what's going to happen, what do i need, what is tetanus? have i gotten the injection, where's my health booklet etc etc etc.
something random that i find amusing, my friend once broke her arm in p1 and didn't dare to tell anyone about it. her mother only found out 3 days later. wooo.
and yes i'm getting addicted to twilight as well. vampires are cool ;D

i think my brother's getting really smart. he can speak quite well now, but her's still very stubborn and everything. he loves fishes. actual fishes, eating fishes, pictures of fishes. no idea why. a lot of his books have pictures of fishes, like as a lantern for the book "lantern festival" and in "animals". he can even find fishes in a book about a guy called bob. apparently bob swims in the lake -- with fish. anyways he's going to attend lessons soon. not sure if it's counted as a kindergarten, i think it's more like preschool or playgroup. complimentery photo of my brother in his new school uniform ;D

11:30 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
i realised that there are a lot of things i want that i don't really need and there's no actual reason for WHY i want it. i just do. at the time when i want it i will REALLY REALLY want it, but even if i don't get it, it's okay. after i while i'll just forget it. but the crucial point is at the time when i want it. it'll be really appealing, especially if something/someone tells me that i shouldn't have/do/buy/whatever it.

like for example piercing my ears. i really wanted to do it then, like REALLY REALLY wanted to. i even got all the jewellery shop names and addresses ready. but then my parents said no and i felt sad. for 1 week. then it was all okay again.

and now i feel like buying the coloured hair wax i saw in an advertisement yesterday. but thinking about it, do i really need it? not really. and when i actually get it i'll probably use it once, then forget i have such a thing/feel weird using it/think it's childish/etc.

i also realised that when you really want something, you twist the consequences in the way that it complements what you want and only gives you the benefits of having/doing/buying/whatevering something. many a time i have promised that i will use something well. 1 month later: i have that?!(and now my actual topic - responsibility. haha no i'm just kidding. but funny how it all relates.)

there's a fine line between need and want. maybe more people should go looking for it.

tag replies

gio thanks!

pris what did we see at j8?

1:01 AM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
i know i know i know don't scold me first i know i said i'd keep this blog updated but for the past few weeks i'd completely forgotten that i even HAD a blog. oops.

anyways. i don't remember what i was going to blog about.

OH YES. I LOVE YOU RGSPSBTEACHERS'DAYCOMMITEE! it was really successful! progs rock! ;D and to everyone in rgs who's reading this, i know you enjoyed it. don't say otherwise or i might feel like smacking you. ;D

sigh my birthday is coming. LIKE, tomorrow. i don't feel older eh. still want to be small and cute. don't puke on me, i was cute when i was younger okay. show you a picture of me as a baby ;D

OKAY fine i admit i wasn't that cute after all. oh well. at least i'm quite chubby. ;D

presents i've received so far! a super cute picture frame from prissy-poo:

super cute notebook from enting:

and milk chocolate eclairs from wanshuen ;D. i felt super weird propping the bag up onto the table to take a picture so i didn't do it after all.

also went shopping with my mom at vivo (where wanshuen found me and proceeded to hug me shouting "carly! i see you!") and bought some stuff, 1 article of clothing, 2 bags of food and 1 pair of shoes! adidas! $85! more than 80% white! i think it's cute.

yep. i have nothing more to share so i shall go collate cmps survey results now. sigh, tiring.

tag replies

shannon er, i've only known you for 2 years... less than that, actually.

amanda lee hey!

yuanyue is that supposed to sound sarcastic?

amanda kuan i love you too! congrats on getting into psb09!

pris i finally did ;D

gracetan really meh? since when did your ego inflate so much?

enting sorry la, busy mah ;(

fiona hello;D

grace (no idea which one, have a feeling it's kong since she has my birthday plastered on her blog) thanks! ;D

gracekong oh now i know.

3:55 AM
10 july, thursday
7.30m, ACS Barker Road
$15 only! Order tickets! ;D
books, music, CHOIR

Amanda Kuan
Amanda Yim
Boey Ying
Cat Tseng
Emily Koh
Grace Kong
Jenny Niu
Jing Jie
Jin Ni
Jing Yi
Lee Jing
Mich Tan
Michelle Wang
Qiao Yoke
Shao Wei
Shin huoy
Shiao Yen
Shze Hui
Stef Loh
Stef Mok
Wan Shuen
Wee Boon
Ying Xin

March 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008
picture foto-decadent
brushes xx
texture x
skin slayerette
image font violation